Perifocal Frame

Perifocal Frame#

In this section, we define the perifocal reference frame, a convenient reference frame for describing the planar orbits that we’ve been discussing. The perifocal frame is a Cartesian reference centered at the occupied focus of the orbit, the location where m1 exists. Since all the orbits we’ve looked at so far are planar, the xωyω plane of the perifocal frame lies in the same plane as the orbit. This means that the zω direction is pointing in the same direction as the angular momentum.

The unit vectors that define this coordinate system are:

  1. p^ pointing along the xω axis

  2. q^ pointing along the yω axis

  3. w^ pointing along the zω axis


Fig. 42 The definition of the perifocal frame. The w^ direction is pointing direction towards the viewer.#

As shown in Fig. 42, p^ points along the apse line to the right of the focus, towards periapsis. q^ points 90° true anomaly from p^. Finally, w^ points in the same direction as the angular momentum, and can be defined by:


Position Vector#

In the perifocal frame, the position vector r may be written in terms of the xω and yω Cartesian coordinates. Since the orbit is planar, the w^ component is zero.


xω and yω can be transformed into the radial-true anomaly polar coordinate system by:


By plugging in the orbit equation, Eq. (113), r can be written as:


Velocity Vector#

The velocity is found by taking the time derivative of the position:


Then we need to apply the product rule, because both r and ν are functions of time:


Substituting some of the relationships from previously, we can simplify the velocity vector as:
